Public Speaking Workshops for Youth
Equipping and Empowering Youth for Success
Peter Burns Enterprise Youth Leadership Program is based on the belief that every young person has the potential to become a good communicator and leader. However, this potential needs to be developed. Our workshop will use Toastmasters International principles and practical examples to provide emphasis on specialized skills and individual needs of each participant as they learn to develop speaking and leadership skills they will use for the rest of their lives. Attendees learn to:
Overcome the nervousness everyone feels when asked to speak before an audience.
Organize and present their ideas logically and convincingly.
Listen carefully to others ideas.
Offer advice that will help others improve their speaking and leadership skills.
Participate in and lead group discussion or meetings.
This unique program is design to enable our participants to develop their self-confidence as they learn. They will also make new friends and have fun, verifying the fact that developing your communication skills is an enjoyable learning experience. Our workshop is open to all students in grades 6th through 12th.